19-24 OCTOBER 2024
Santiago de Compostela

We are social:

Legal warning


In compliance with the provisions of art. 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society (LSSI), the following General Information is disclosed:

That the domain ecai2024.eu from now on the website, is registered under the name of Primate Multimedia Ibérica, SL with registered office at Avenida Montevideo, 1 2ºC, 15706 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña Spain )



Access to and / or use of the website https://ecai2024.eu , attributes to those who perform it the condition of user, accepting, from that moment, fully and without any reservations, the present general conditions, as well as the particular conditions that, where appropriate, complement, modify or replace the general conditions in relation to certain services and contents of the website.


The user undertakes to use the website and its services and contents without contravening current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order.

Likewise, it is prohibited to use the Website for illegal or harmful purposes against THE HOLDER or any third party, or that, in any way, may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the Website.

Regarding the contents (information,texts, graphics, sound and / or image files, photographs, designs, etc.), it is prohibited:

Their reproduction, distribution or modification, unless authorized by their rightful owners or legally permitted.

Any violation of the rights of THE HOLDER or its legitimate owners over them.

Its use for all types of commercial or advertising purposes, other than those strictly permitted.

Any attempt to obtain the contents of the Website by any means other than those made available to users as well as those usually used on the network, provided they do not cause any damage to the website.


THE HOLDER may modify unilaterally and without prior notice, whenever it deems appropriate, the structure and design of the website, as well as modify or delete the services, contents and conditions of access and / or use of the Website.


The establishment of any “hyperlink” between a web page and the website will be subject to the following conditions:

The total or partial reproduction of any of the services or contents of the website is not allowed.

Unless prior and express consent, the web page on which the hyperlink is established will not contain any brand, commercial name, establishment label, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to the HOLDER

Under no circumstances, THE HOLDER will be responsible for the contents or services made available to the public on the website from which the “hyperlink” is made or for the information and statements included therein.


THE HOLDER does not grant any guarantee nor is it liable, in any case, for damages of any kind that could cause:

The lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the Web and / or its services or contents.

The lack of utility, adequacy or validity of the Web and / or its services or content to meet specific needs, activities or results or expectations of users.

The existence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the contents.

The reception, obtaining, storage, diffusion or transmission, by the users, of the contents.

The illicit, negligent, fraudulent use, contrary to these General Conditions, in good faith, to the generally accepted uses or to public order, of the Website, its services or contents, by the users.

The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.

The breach by third parties of their obligations or commitments in relation to the services provided to users through the Website.


The duration of the provision of the service of the website and the services is indefinite.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, THE HOLDER reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate the provision of the Web service or any of the services that comprise it, under the same terms set forth in the third condition.


These General Conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation.

The owner of the website and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them, submit to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the user’s domicile for any issues that may arise or actions arising from the provision of the service of the Web and its services and contents and about the interpretation, application, compliance or breach of what is established herein.

In the event that the User has his domicile outside Spain and the owner of the website and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Santiago de Compostela.


The https://ecai2024.eu website may use cookies when a USER browses the websites and web pages of the WEBSITE. The cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous USER and his computer and do not provide the USER’s name and surname. Thanks to cookies, it is possible to recognize registered USERS after they have registered for the first time, without having to register at each visit to access the areas and services reserved exclusively for them. The cookies used cannot read data from your hard disk or read the cookie files created by other providers. The identifying data of the USER person is encrypted for greater security.

The USER has the possibility to configure his / her browser to be notified on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent their installation on their hard disk. Please refer to the instructions and manuals of your browser for more information. To use the WEBSITE, it is not necessary that the USER allows the installation of cookies sent by the website, notwithstanding that in such case it will be necessary for the User to register as a user of each of the services whose provision requires prior registration.

Similarly, our web servers automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. All this information is recorded in a server activity file that allows the subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain statistical measurements that allow us to know the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to our web services, etc.

Data treatment policy


Through this notice, ANA TREVISANI, SL informs users of the website that, in compliance with EUROPEAN REGULATION 679/2016 OF PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. ORGANIC LAW 3/2018 OF PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION AND GUARANTEE OF DIGITAL RIGHTS relativ or the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of data (hereinafter, RGPD), personal data provided will be incorporated into our file owned by ANA TREVISANI, SL with registered office at Calle República de El Salvador, 8-3º, 15701 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña Spain)

Access and navigation through this Web site assumes that you fully accept this privacy policy.


The legitimacy to carry out the processing of user data is in the consent of the interested party, requested for the specific case. On the other hand, the management of the contracting of services, payment, billing and corresponding shipments, is legitimized by the execution of the service itself. The treatment of the data in order to send electronic newsletters about services, events and news related to our professional activity, is based on the legitimate interest of the company to carry out these treatments in accordance with current regulations. However, the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the legality of the treatments performed previously. Likewise, user information may be used to comply with the different legal obligations of the company.


We inform you that only those data necessary for the correct development of the relationship between the parties are collected, and in particular, for any of the following purposes:

Manage the contracting of services and those administrative procedures of the existing commercial relationship.

Manage the use of any of those features that are made available in this web space, including, but not limited to, the subscription to newsletters and inquiries or requests for information. The user guarantees the authenticity of the data communicated and will be solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements. The personal data you provide will always be treated in accordance with the GDPR.

We inform you that the company is the final recipient of this data and it is who decides on the purpose, content and use of the processing of personal data provided by users.


It authorizes us to have your personal data transferred to all the companies that participate in the organization and / or commercialization of the event for which you provide us with the data, as well as to those in charge of the treatment necessary for the provision of the service and to third companies in legal obligation assumptions.


In compliance with current regulations, Ana Trevisani, SL guarantees that it has adopted all technical and organizational measures necessary to maintain the level of security required in ATTN ion to the nature of the personal data. The company makes clear its commitment to the protection of personal data and the privacy of users, and carries out the necessary technical security measures to prevent their loss, manipulation, dissemination or alteration.


We inform you that your data will be deleted at the time you revoke your consent, proceeding to its destruction, except in the case that there is a legal rule that requires its conservation, proceeding, in this case, to the blocking of the data until the expiration of the shelf life.


Finally, we also inform you that at any time you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition with respect to your personal data provided in the data protection regulations, by sending a letter accompanied by a Photocopy of the identity document to the company’s email administracion@trevisani.es

Specifically, you can exercise the rights that are developed below:

- Revoke the consents granted.

- Get confirmation on whether the company is treating personal data that concerns you or not.

- Access your personal data.

- Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.

- Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

- Exercise the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided in the data protection regulations are met.

- In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation to the processing of their data, the interested parties may object to the processing of them.

- The company will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

- Obtain human intervention, to express their point of view and to challenge the automated decisions taken by the company, where appropriate.

- Request the portability of your data.

In case of disagreement regarding the processing of your data, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, an organization that holds the control authority in the matter, located at C / Jorge Juan, 6 in Madrid (CP 28001).

This website may contain links to external pages, Ana Trevisani, SL assumes no responsibility for the contents or any other aspect related to said pages or websites. The company reserves the right to modify this privacy policy in accordance with its own criteria, or motivated by a legal, jurisprudential, or doctrinal change of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

The use of the web after the changes will imply the acceptance of them.

Further general data provisions

ControllerResearch Centre in Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela (CiTIUS)Address: Rúa de Jenaro de la Fuente Domínguez s/n, Campus Vida. 15782 Santiago de Compostela Phone: +34 881 816 400 Email: ecai2024.conference@usc.gal
PurposeOrganization of the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024), to be held by 19-24 October 2024 in Santiago de Compostela. No user profiles are built.
Legal basesContractual, with respect to the data required to carry out the necessary steps to organize the event
No data are expected to be transferred.
No international data transfers are planned
Rights regarding data protectionYou have the right to request access to the personal data concerning the data subject; to ask for them to be corrected or deleted; to ask for their processing to be restricted; and to object to their processing. If applicable, you have the right to the transfer of the data. You can exercise all your rights through ecai2024.conference@usc.gal
Additional InformationYou can access additional information regarding the processing of your data at:https://ecai2024.eu/privacy-policy/



Thanks to the sponsors who are already supporting ECAI2024. Together we are making Santiago de Compostela the world capital of AI during 19-24 October 2024.

Main Partners

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Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors


Institutional Sponsorships

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